Hanam Pig House Songpa Seokchon

3.7/5 기반으로 8 리뷰

Contact Hanam Pig House Songpa Seokchon

주소 :

293-4 Seokchon-dong, Songpa-gu, Seoul, South Korea

핸드폰 : 📞 +87
웹사이트: http://www.hanampig.co.kr/
카테고리 :
도시 : Seoul

293-4 Seokchon-dong, Songpa-gu, Seoul, South Korea
nannerl Kim on Google

좋았어요. 내부도 넓고 직원 분들도 친절하고 근데 고깃집이 다 그렇지만 어두워서 그런지 더 환기가 안돼 보이는 느낌은 있더라구요 ㅠㅠ 한번씩 가기엔 좋은 것 같습니다!
Good. The interior is spacious and the staff is friendly too But I do not have much ventilation to see it because it is dark, but it has a feeling of seeing it. It looks good to go once!
담담덤 on Google

죄없는 다른 체인점주들과 해당 지점을 방문하게 될 손님들이 피해를 입지 않길 바랍니다. 1.고기를 태움 2. 심하진 않은 것 같아, 탄부분 잘라달라고 하자, 다시해주겠다고 함 3. 그정도는 아니었는데 먼저 바꿔주겠다하니, 감사하다고 여러차례 말씀드림 4. 다시 구워주면서 직원이 이정도면 되냐고 하셔서 네 이제 먹을게요 라고 말했더니 5. 덜 익었다, 고기 속살을 잘라보이면서 덜 익은거다 아까 구운게 (탔던 고기가) 맞다. 라고 했지만 아녜요 괜찮습니다 저는 그냥 먹겠다라고 말씀드림 6. 재차 아니다 덜익었다, 아까 메뉴얼대로 구운게 맞다라고 말함 7. 내눈엔 맛있어보이는데 왜 덜익었다고 하지? 싶어서 가만히 있었더니 사장을 불러오겠다고 갑자기 직원분이 뛰어감 8. 사장이 나오더니 ‘아니 이정도 가지고 탔다고 하실거면 직접 구워드시는게 맞다.’라고 하셔서 9. 이건(두번째 구운고기)저희 그냥 먹겠다고 했다, 라고 말하는데 듣지도 않으시고 말 자르더니 10. 사장님 왈, ‘아까것도 탄게 아니예요 처음게 맞아요 새로 판 닦아드릴테니 직접 구워드시라니깐요 저흰 메뉴얼대로 한건데 탔다고 자꾸 하시니까..라고 하시기에 11. 아까건 진짜 탔었어요 두번째 고기 말구여 하면서 사진을 보여주려고 핸드폰을 내밀자마자 아니~하면서 핸드폰 든 손을 밀침 12. 그래서 헐 미네?? 하면서 일행을 보면서 말했더니 13. ‘아니, 친구야 민게 아니라 볼필요가 없다는거야’ 14. 라면서 반말함 15. 어이없어서 쳐다봤더니 됐으니 이제 직접 구워드셔라 손님 취향들이 다 다르니 입맛 맞춰드릴수없다 라고 말하고 감 16. 사장이 손 밀치고 성질내고 가신후에 일행이랑 일행과 얘기하면서 어이없다 대화하는중에 아까 고기 잘못구웠던 직원이 웃으면서 오더니 ‘원래 사장 성격이 저렇다, 이해하셔라, 본사에 신고하셔라’ 라고함. 본사지침이 약해서 본사의 대처가 우스운건지, 직원이 사장님을 싫어해서 해코지를 하려고 그런건지 모르겠네요. 17. 결국 밀치고 볼필요없다고 하고 자기 할말만 하고 직접 구워먹으라고, 난 그냥 먹겠다는데도 그런 취급을 받는다는게 너무 기분이 상해서 고기 한점 먹지 않고 계산하러 나감 18. 계산할때 하더라도 아까 친구야 라고 부르며 반말하고 손밀친건 좀 기분나빴다고 조용히 말씀드렸음 19. 사장이 또 ‘친구야,’라고 말하며 “내가 친구 부모님보다 나이가 많은데 버릇없이 먼저 ‘어 미네?’하면서 반말 했잖아요~~?”하면서 거의 바보취급하는 말투로 훈계함. 20. 그래서 반말이 아니라 일행한테 말한거다, “헐 사장님께서 나를 미셨어 ㅇㅇ아”라고 말했어야 하는거냐 라고 말했더니 21. 그부분은 대답안하고 자긴 어찌됐든 안쳤다 안쳐서 그런건데 왜그러냐고 털끝하나 안건드렸다며 박박우겨서 결국 같이 씨씨티비 돌려봄 22. 씨씨티비 돌려보니 누가봐도 핸드폰든 손 밀침 23. 황급히 창 끄고 ‘털끝도 안건드렸다’에서 자긴 핸드폰만 만졌다고 말을 바꿈 24. 그럼 다시 보여주시고 저희가 이거 찍어가겠다 했더니 ‘경찰이랑 같이 와야 보여줄거다, 고소하실거면 하셔라’ 라고 적반하장으로 큰 소리침. 25. 이 과정 전부를 언성 높이며 훈계하듯이 친구야, 반말 섞어가며 귀가찢어지게 언성높이심 26. 매장안에 손님도 많았는데 오히려 피해를 본 내가 다 창피할정도로 소리를 치셔서 그냥 네네 하면서 훈곗말 다 들어드리고 결국 사장님 성미에 못이겨 한 점 먹지 않은 고기 값내고 반말고 손밀친 행동이 대해 사과도 못받고 나옴 정말 기분좋게 밥먹으러 갔다가 말도 안되는 억지에 사진 보여준다고 했는데도 밀쳐내고 아무리 사장보다 어려도 손님인데 적지 않은 나이에 저를 ‘친구야 친구야’ 하면서 알바한테 해도 기분나쁠 말을 하면서 무시하는것도 정말 기분 나빴습니다. 그래서 난 고기 하나도 안먹었고 나를 ‘친구야,’ 라고 말하면서 밀치셔서 전 너무 기분상해서 밥을 먹지도 못했는데 사과하셔야 하는거 아니냐했더니 안 밀쳤다고, 털끝하나 안댔다고 우기시고 끝까지 사과 안하시더라구요. 자기가 언제 밀었냐며 당장 씨씨티비 돌려보자고 직원까지 먼저 부르셔서 손수 보여주셨어요 누가봐도 손 밀쳐서 밀려났는데 그걸 보고도 뻔뻔하게 사과 한마디 안하시고.. 자기가봐도 밀친것같으니 증거 남기려고 하니까 경찰한테 고소하고 경찰이랑 같이와서 보여달라고 하질않나..솔직히 사과 하시고 인정하셨으면 그 자리에서 사과 안받을 사람 누가 있겠습니까. 근데 마지막 결제해서 나오는 순간까지 밀치고 친구야 라고 부른건 사과 안하시더라구요. 이 모든 일이 벌어지는 와중에 단 한번도 미안하단 말은 커녕 제 얘기를 제대로 듣지도 않고 다 끊고 알바생부터 아들까지 불러서 패거리처럼 같이 하도 난리를 치셔서 진절머리가 났습니다. 전 사과한마디 듣자고 얘기 꺼냈다가 아니라고 우기는 꼴만 보고 언성높여서 반말들으면서 몰매 맞은기분이었네요 고객으로 대접받는 건 바라지도 않고, 동등한 성인, 사람 대 사람으로 취급이라도 해주셔야 하는거 아닌가요 제가 서른 다되어가는 나이에 자기 아들뻘 되는 사람이라면서 버르장머리 없네 어쩌네 하는 말까지 듣고 기분상해서 한점도 못먹었는데 소리소리 지르는 사장님 성미에 못이겨 사장님 버릇없다는 훈계듣고 돈까지 사장님 주머니에 들어갔다는 사실이 황당하네요. 번화가도 아니고 동네 장사하시면서 대단한 서비스를 바란게 아니라 기본적으로 사람 대 사람으로서의 예의만이라도 갖추어야하는데 손 밀치고 친구야친구야 하면서 애 취급하는게 무슨 손님취급인지.. 나중에 알바생 불러서 얘기할때 ‘이친구가’ 라고 말하는거 보니 저를 알바생 대하듯이 대하셨나봅니다. 물론 알바생도 그렇게 대하면 기분나쁘겠지만요. 제가 다른 지점도 많이 가보았지만 이렇게 고기도 못굽고 불친절한 곳은 처음봅니다. 하남돼지집 본사에서는 이런 체인 때문에 브랜드 이미지가 많이 상할것 같습니다. 부디 고객 입장에서 생각해주시고 해당 지점 교육 제대로 시켜주시길 바랍니다. 가능한 모든 수단 동원해서 지인 및 지역 주민들 해당지점 방문 뜯어말릴생각입니다. 사장이 직접 사과를 하시고 하남돼지집도 본사 브랜드 이미지에 해를 입으시기 전에 해당 점주 교육과 패널티 제대로 적용해주시길 간곡히 바랍니다.
We hope that other innocent chain owners and customers who will visit the store will not be harmed. 1. Burning meat 2. I don't think it's too bad, so I asked for a cut off the burnt part, and said I'd do it again 3. It wasn't that much, but I will change it first, so I said thank you several times. 4. As I cooked it again, the staff asked me if it would be enough, and said yes, I’ll eat it now. 5. It's not cooked, it's not cooked while the meat is cut off. The grilled meat is right. I said no, it’s okay, I just said I’d eat it 6. No, it wasn't cooked again, he said that it was right to roast it according to the manual. 7. It looks delicious to my eyes, but why do you say it's undercooked? I was still there because I wanted to, but suddenly the employee jumped out to call the boss. 8. When the boss came out, he said,'No, if you say you've burned this much, it's right to bake it yourself.' 9. This is (the second grilled meat) we just said we were going to eat it, but he didn't listen and cut the horse 10. The boss said, ‘It’s not burnt. It’s the first time. I’ll wipe it out. I’ll bake it myself. We did it according to the manual, but you keep saying that you burned it.. 11. The previous one was really burnt. As soon as I put my phone out to show the picture while saying no to the second meat, I pushed my hand holding the phone no. 12. So huh?? I said while looking at the party 13.'No, it's not my friend, it means you don't need to see it.' 14. Saying that it's kind of talking 15. It was absurd, so I looked at it, and it’s okay, so you can bake it yourself. 16. After the boss pushed his hand and got tempered, he talked with the party and the party. It was ridiculous. During the conversation, the employee who had previously baked the wrong meat came with a smile and said,'That's the original president's personality, understand, please report it to the head office.' . I don't know if the headquarter's guidelines are weak and the headquarter's actions are ridiculous, or if the employee hates the boss to do harm. 17. In the end, he said that he didn't need to push and see, and he said he had to say and eat it himself, and I was so offended that he was treated like that even though I was just going to eat it. 18. Even at the time of checkout, he called me friend, and said quietly that it was a bit unpleasant to talk to him and touch his hand. 19. The boss said, "It's a friend," and said, "I'm older than my friend's parents, but I wasn't spoiled for saying, "Uh, Mine?" 20. That's why I wasn't talking to the party, but I said, "I should have said, "The boss Hull hated me. 21. He didn't answer that part, but he didn't do it anyway, so he said that he didn't touch the tip of his hair why he was doing so, and eventually turned the CCTV together. 22. When I turned the CCTV, no matter who saw it, I pushed my hand 23. Hastily turned off the window and changed the word “I didn’t touch the tip of my hair” to say that I only touched my cell phone 24. Then show me again and we said we'd take this picture, and he shouted out loud with a red spot, saying,'I'll show you it with the police, if you're suing me.' 25. As if admonishing and raising the whole of this process, my friend, I raised my voice so that my ears were torn 26. There were a lot of customers in the store, but I just screamed embarrassingly for all the damage, so I just said yes and listened to all the warm words. Eventually, I couldn't overcome the boss's temper, so I apologized for paying the price of uneaten meat. Not received Even though I went to eat in a really good mood and told me to show a picture with ridiculous force, it was really bad to push me out and ignore me at a not small age, saying ‘Friends, friends,’ and saying ‘Friends, friends’ and saying something unpleasant to Alba. So I didn't eat any meat and pushed me back by saying'my friend,' so I was so offended that I couldn't eat, but I asked if I should apologize. He asked when he pushed it, and asked the staff to turn it back right away, and showed it by hand. No one saw it because he pushed his hand, but he shamelessly didn't apologize even after seeing it. He's trying to leave evidence, so why don't he sue the police and ask the police to come and show it? Who won't get an apology from? But he didn't apologize for calling him friend by pushing it until the last payment was made. In the midst of all this, let alone saying I'm sorry, I didn't listen to me properly, quit everything, and summoned my son from an ambassador to work together like a gang, and I got sick of it. I was told to hear a word of an apology, but to say that it wasn't. I don't want to be treated as a customer, don't you have to treat me as an equal adult, person-to-person? I'm not a kid at the age of thirty. I don't have a problem saying I'm a son of my own. It's embarrassing to hear that the boss has been admonished that the boss is spoiled because of the boss's temper, and the money has been put into the boss's pocket. It's not a downtown area, and you don't want great service while doing business in your neighborhood. Basically, you have to have a person-to-person courtesy. What kind of customer handling is dealing with a child by pushing your hand and treating a child as a friend? Seeing what I'm talking about, I think you treated me as if you were a part-timer. Of course, it would be bad for an Alba student to treat it that way. I've been to many other locations, but I've never seen a place that is unfriendly and can't grill meat like this. At the headquarters of Hanam Pig House, the brand image is likely to hurt a lot because of this chain. Please think from the customer's point of view and educate the relevant branch properly. I am thinking of using all possible means to visit the relevant branch with acquaintances and local residents. I sincerely hope that the president directly apologizes and that Hanam Pig's house also properly applies the training and penalty for the store owner before harming the brand image of the headquarters.
sungjin choi on Google

집이랑 가까워서 몇번 갔었지만 형식적인 시스템에 맞춰진 프랜차이즈 식당의 단점을 확실히 보여줘서 오늘 이후론 다신 안감. 1.직접 고기구워 주는 시스템은 좋음. 허나 기름이 튀어서 사람이 뜨겁다고 놀래서 소리 지르면 대부분 괜찮냐고 물어봄. 여긴 그런거 없었네요. 최소한의 매너조차 없음. 2. 주문한 고기 중 특정 고기에서 냄새가 났음. 약품? 화장품? 냄새.. 물론 어느정도 먹고 뒤늦게 인지. 오해 할까 싶어 바로 얘기안하고 계산하면서 손 안댄거 있으니 드셔라도 보고 확인하라했지만 냄새 한번 살짝 확인 후 그냥 끝. 미안하다 던지 괜찮냐고 물어보는건 없음.. 그리고 양념부추도 오래 버무려놓은 듯.. 식자재 위생 문제로 사람 죽어나가는게 남의 식당일이라고만 생각하는거임.. 이건 식당이나 직원이나 전부 문제.. 근처에서 고기집 찾으면 비슷하고 괜찮은데 많으니깐 다른 일반 고기집 많이 이용해주세요.
I've been there a few times because it's close to home. The disadvantages of a franchise restaurant tailored to a formal system I'll show you for sure, so I won't see you again after today. 1. A system that grills meat directly is good. However, the oil splashed and people were surprised that it was hot. When I scream, most of the time they ask if I'm okay. There was no such thing. No minimum manners. 2. Certain meats in the order had a smell. medicine? cosmetics? smell.. Of course, how much you eat and how late it is. I don't want to misunderstand you, so I don't talk right away I didn't touch it while counting. Have a look and check it out Just check the smell once and you're done. I'm not sorry or asking if I'm okay. And the seasoning leek seems to have been mixed for a long time.. People are dying from food hygiene problems. I think it's just someone else's restaurant business. This is a problem with the restaurant or the staff... It's the same if you find a meat restaurant nearby. It's ok, but there's a lot Please use a lot of other general meat restaurants.
Hoyoung Jung on Google

훈남들이 구워주는 돼지고기집! 맛도 좋고 시설도 많고 서비스도 무난하고 가격도 무난하지만 직원수가 적어서 서비스가 꽤 느리고 계산도 더디네요. 그거빼고는 괜찮네요.
Pork restaurant grilled by handsome men! The taste is good, the facilities are good, the service is okay, and the price is okay, but the service is quite slow and the calculation is slow due to the small number of employees. It's okay except that.
Goon Sin on Google

회사랑 가까워서 회식 때문에 가는데, 정말 갈때마다 실망하고 나옵니다. 1. 주문배달로 인해 테이블 손님에게 소홀합니다. 2. 고기 정량이 맞는지 의심됩니다. 3. 매장내에 연기로 자욱합니다. 연기속에서 식사합니다. 4. 김치볶음도시락은 어떤 소시지를 쓰는지, 특유의 소시지향 때문에 역해서 못먹습니다. 5. 바닥청소를 하지 않는걸로 예상합니다. 갈때마다 바닥에 기름으로 스케이트를 타고 이동합니다. 하남돼지집, 정말 좋아하는데 여기 지점은 다른지점과 너무 비교될 정도로 별로입니다. 가족단위로도 많이 오는거 같던데 바닥 청소부터 하시죠?
It's close to work, so I go for a dinner party, but every time I go, I get disappointed. 1. We neglect to serve table customers due to order delivery. 2. It is questionable whether the quantity of meat is correct. 3. The store is full of smoke. Dine in smoke. 4. I can't eat kimchi stir-fried lunch box because it's disgusting because of the type of sausage they use and the characteristic sausage flavor. 5. It is expected that the floor is not cleaned. Every time I go I go skating with oil on the floor. I really like Hanam Pork House, but this branch is so bad compared to other branches. It seems that a lot of families come here too, but do you clean the floor first?
봄이아빠동우삼촌 on Google

일단 고기를 구워주니 편하다. 고기도 맛있고 밑반찬도 정갈하다. 예전엔 멜젓이 있엇는데 없어져 많이 아쉽다. 직원들도 친절하고 위생과 소독에도 만전을 기하는 게 안심이 된다.
It is convenient once the meat is grilled. The meat is delicious and the side dishes are also good. There used to be meljeot, but it's a pity it's gone. The staff are friendly and it is reassuring to be fully sanitary and disinfected.
hj j on Google

good quallity of meat!!
Steven Suh on Google

Great atmosphere, quality meat, and above all an exceptionally talented staff. The moment you go in, you are greeted in Korean and taken to a seat after confirming your party. The main menu is only pork but the cuts are delicious; they come partially seared and the staff will come cook the meat for your party so no one has to be on duty except maybe when the staff is busy helping another table (in which case please don't let the meat burn). I recommend the pork sampler which comes with thick bacon, pork galbi and pork neck. The meat is juicy and always cooked to perfection (outside has a slight crisp and browned beautifully, the meat itself firm but still tender, and delightfully chewey but not obnoxiously/tough) by the experienced friendly staff. They also have delicious entrees like jan-cheh gooksu or "together noodles" (traditionally eaten at weddings to wish for a long happy marriage; rich clear broth with thin barley noodles and sensational toppings that make the mouth drool), dweng jjang jjigeh or Korean miso soup, and kimchi mixed rice. Overall I recommend any non Korean who reads my review to eat here (though parking could be tough) for dinner if you happen to have a hankering for M E A T.

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