Dabotab (pagoda of many treasures)

4.7/5 기반으로 8 리뷰

Contact Dabotab (pagoda of many treasures)

주소 :

385 Bulguk-ro, Gyeongju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, South Korea

핸드폰 : 📞 +8799
카테고리 :
도시 : do

385 Bulguk-ro, Gyeongju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, South Korea
Younsok Choi (digitie) on Google

대한민국 국보 20호이자 10원 주화에 새겨져 있는 탑입니다. 그만큼 대단한 유물이라는 뜻이겠지요. 통일신라 미술의 정수를 보여주는, 한국을 포함한 다른 어떤 동아시아 문화권에서도 찾아보기 힘든 아름다움을 가진 석탑입니다. 4각, 8각, 원의 다양하고 복잡한 구조를 번잡하지 않고 통일감있게 나타내었다는 점이 대단한 점이라고 하네요. 예전에 보았던 다른 탑과 어떤 점이 다른지 기억을 돌이켜보는 것도 재미있게 구경하는 방법 중 하나인 것 같습니다.
It is the 20th national treasure of the Republic of Korea and is a tower engraved on a 10-won coin. It would mean that it is a great artifact. It is a stone pagoda with a beauty that is hard to find in any other East Asian culture including Korea, showing the essence of Unified Silla art. It is said that it is a great point that the various and complex structures of four, eight, and circles are expressed in a sense of unity without hassle. It seems to be one of the fun ways to see how it is different from other towers you have seen before.
지식여행,투어라이브 on Google

다보탑은 우리나라의 가장 대표적인 돌로만든 탑인데요. 탑을 보시면 4각,8각,원을 한탑에 잘어울리게 구성했고요 탑 각부분의 길이,너비,두께를 일정하게 통일시켜서 만든모습이 보이실텐데요. 이런 부분을 통해 통일신라가 문화적으로 아주 발전했었다는걸 볼수있습니다.다보탑은 일제시대에 일본인들이 탑을 자기들 마음대로 해체하고 보수하는 과정에서 탑속에 두었던 사리라던지 그밖의 유뮬들이 다 사라지고 돌계단 위에있는 돌사자도 원래는 4마리였는데 3마리를 약탈해가고 현재는 1마리만 남아있습니다. 경주 오디오가이드는 투어라이브 -
Dabotap is Korea's most representative stone tower. If you look at the tower, it is composed of four angles, eight angles, and circles to fit well into one tower. Through this part, you can see that the Unified Silla was very culturally developed. Dabotap was a stone lion on the stone steps after the Japanese people dismantled and repaired the pagoda at their disposal during the Japanese colonial period. Originally, there were four, but three were plundered, and only one remains. Gyeongju Audio Guide Tour Live-
차주현 on Google

작게만 느껴졌다 다보탑이 지금은 왜 이리 크게 느껴지는지. 그 옛날에 어찌 저렇게 아름답고 기묘한 석탑을 만들어냈는지 감탄하며 한참을 바라보았다.
I felt only small. Why is Dabotap felt so big now? In those days, I wondered how he created such a beautiful and strange stone tower.
YP-MO on Google

석가탑과 더불어 불국사를 대표하는 두개의 석탑 중 하나이다. 석가탑보다 복잡한 건축양식이 사용되어 있다. 우리에겐 10원짜리 동전의 앞면의 모델로 잘 알려져 있다. 국립경주박물관에는 석가탑과 다보탑을 본따 만든 석탑 두개가 만들어져 있기 때문에 경주에 왔으나 불국사에 갈 시간이 없다면 박물관에서 아쉬움을 달랠 수도 있다.
It is one of two stone pagoda representing Bulguksa along with the Buddha. The architecture is more complex than the Buddha's Tower. It is known to us as the front model of a 10-won coin. The Gyeongju National Museum has two stone pagoda models that are modeled after the Buddha and Dabo Pagoda, but if you are in Gyeongju, you may be able to soothe the museum if you do not have time to go to Bulguksa.
CHA CHA RYU on Google

10원 동전에서 항상 만나 온 다보탑.. 수하항마 정진에 든 석가모님 부처님을 대신하여 설법제일 다보여래가 직접 다보탑을 타고 나투셔서 삼라만상 깨달음을 나투시니... 불국사는 통일신라 경덕왕 10년(751) 김대성의 발원에 의해 창건된 사찰로, 과거·현재·미래의 부처가 사는 정토(淨土), 즉 이상향을 구현하고자 했던 신라인들의 정신세계가 잘 드러나 있는 곳이다.『삼국유사』에는 김대성이 전생의 부모를 위해서 석굴암을, 현생의 부모를 위해서 불국사를 지었다고 전해진다. 그러나 그가 목숨을 다할 때까지 짓지 못하여 그 후 나라에서 완성하여 나라의 복을 비는 절로 삼게 되었다. 탑이 건립된 시기는 불국사가 창건된 통일신라 경덕왕 10년(751)으로 추측된다. 목조건축의 복잡한 구조를 참신한 발상을 통해 산만하지 않게 표현한 뛰어난 작품으로, 4각, 8각, 원을 한 탑에서 짜임새있게 구성한 점, 각 부분의 길이·너비·두께를 일정하게 통일시킨 점 등은 8세기 통일신라 미술의 정수를 보여주고 있다. 안타깝게도 다보탑에는 일제에 나라를 빼앗겼던 설움이 고스란히 전해져 온다. 1925년경에 일본인들이 탑을 완전히 해체, 보수하였는데, 이에 관한 기록이 전혀 남아 있지 않다. 또한 탑 속에 두었을 사리와 사리장치, 그 밖의 유물들이 이 과정에서 모두 사라져버려 그 행방을 알 수 없게 되었다. 그리고 기단의 돌계단 위에 놓여있던 네 마리의 돌사자 가운데 3마리가 일제에 의해 약탈되어, 이를 되찾기 위한 노력이 오래전부터 있었으나 아직까지 그 행방을 알 수가 없으며, 현재 1마리의 돌사자가 남아있다. Dabotap Pagoda and Seokgatap Pagoda (the Three-story Stone Pagoda of Bulguksa Temple, National Treasure No. 21) are the two most renowned pagodas in Korea. They are similar in height (10.29m and 10.75m), and stand facing each other, Dabotap Pagoda in the east, Seokgatap Pagoda in the west, between Daeungjeon Hall and Jahamun Gate of Bulguksa Temple . Dabotap is a unique type of pagoda, while Seokgatap Pagoda (also known as “Sakyamuni Buddha Pagoda”) is representative of the more general type of stone pagoda. The two pagodas were built at the same site to reflect the content of the Saddharmapundarika Sutra (The Lotus Sutra), in which the Dabo Buddha (“Buddha of the past”) stands beside Sakyamuni (“Buddha of the present”) to prove that his Buddhist sermon is right. Bulguksa Temple was founded by Kim Dae-seong’s offer in 751 (the 10th year of the reign of King Gyeongdeok of Silla). Samguk yusa (Memorabilia of the Three Kingdoms) states that Kim Dae-seong built Seokguram Grotto for his parents in his former life, and Bulguksa Temple for his present parents. However, the temple was not completed at the time of his death, so it was finished afterwards by the kingdom, and in the end, the temple was run not for the private individual Kim Dae-seong but for the benefit of the kingdom as a whole. Bulguksa Temple can be said to be the realization of the Buddhist paradise in which Buddhist monks of past, present, and future live together. It clearly reveals aspects of the spiritual world of the people of Silla. While it is perfectly clear that Seokgatap Pagoda is a three-story pagoda standing on a two-story platform, it is difficult to count the number of stories of Dabotap Pagoda. In fact, even experts have diverging opinions, with some saying it is has four stories and others that it has only three. However, the uniqueness of Dabotap Pagoda can be seen in the structure of each part. Stone staircases are attached to each side of the cross-shaped platform, with an octagonal pagoda body surrounded by square railings placed upon it. It is presumed that the pagoda was built in 751 during the construction of Bulguksa Temple. This work is a masterpiece that beautifully expresses the complicated structure of wooden construction without any distraction by the use of through novel ideas. The work exhibits the artistic sensibility of Unified Silla through its well-organized structure consisting of squares, octagons, and circles, and in its length, width and thickness, which are standardized in every part. During the Japanese Colonial Period, the Japanese dismantled and repaired the pagoda around 1925, but they left behind no records of this work. In the process, Artifact, reliquaries, and other artifacts that must have been placed inside the pagoda all disappeared. In addition, of the four lions originally placed on the stone staircases of the pagoda, the Japanese took away three, all of which must have been in good condition. Though there have been continuous efforts to retrieve these precious cultural heritages, no trace has been found of them as yet. (출처:문화재청 국가문화유산포털 발췌)
The Dabotap I always met with a 10 won coin.. On behalf of the Buddha of Sakyamuni who was in Suhahangma Jeongjin, the first Dabo Nyorai, who was the first sermon to preach, rode the Dabotap to achieve enlightenment... Bulguksa Temple was built at the request of Kim Dae-seong in the 10th year of King Gyeongdeok of Unified Silla (751). .In 『Samguk Yusa』, it is said that Kim Dae-seong built Seokguram Grotto for his parents in his previous life and Bulguksa for his parents in the present. However, he could not build it until the end of his life, and after that, it was completed in the country and became a temple to pray for the blessing of the country. It is estimated that the pagoda was built in the 10th year (751) of King Gyeongdeok of Unified Silla, when Bulguksa was founded. It is an outstanding work that expresses the complex structure of wooden architecture without distraction through novel ideas. It shows the essence of the art of Unified Silla in the 8th century. Unfortunately, Dabotap Pagoda conveys the sadness of losing the country to the Japanese. Around 1925, the Japanese completely dismantled and repaired the pagoda, but there are no records of this. In addition, the relics, sari devices, and other relics that were supposed to be placed in the tower disappeared during this process, making it unknown whereabouts. And three of the four stone lions lying on the stone steps of the podium were plundered by the Japanese, and efforts have been made for a long time to recover them, but their whereabouts are still unknown, and one stone lion remains. Dabotap Pagoda and Seokgatap Pagoda (the Three-story Stone Pagoda of Bulguksa Temple, National Treasure No. 21) are the two most renowned pagodas in Korea. They are similar in height (10.29m and 10.75m), and stand facing each other, Dabotap Pagoda in the east, Seokgatap Pagoda in the west, between Daeungjeon Hall and Jahamun Gate of Bulguksa Temple . Dabotap is a unique type of pagoda, while Seokgatap Pagoda (also known as “Sakyamuni Buddha Pagoda”) is representative of the more general type of stone pagoda. The two pagodas were built at the same site to reflect the content of the Saddharmapundarika Sutra (The Lotus Sutra), in which the Dabo Buddha (“Buddha of the past”) stands beside Sakyamuni (“Buddha of the present”) to prove that his Buddhist sermon is right. Bulguksa Temple was founded by Kim Dae-seong’s offer in 751 (the 10th year of the reign of King Gyeongdeok of Silla). Samguk yusa (Memorabilia of the Three Kingdoms) states that Kim Dae-seong built Seokguram Grotto for his parents in his former life, and Bulguksa Temple for his present parents. However, the temple was not completed at the time of his death, so it was finished afterwards by the kingdom, and in the end, the temple was run not for the private individual Kim Dae-seong but for the benefit of the kingdom as a whole. Bulguksa Temple can be said to be the realization of the Buddhist paradise in which Buddhist monks of past, present, and future live together. It clearly reveals aspects of the spiritual world of the people of Silla. While it is perfectly clear that Seokgatap Pagoda is a three-story pagoda standing on a two-story platform, it is difficult to count the number of stories of Dabotap Pagoda. In fact, even experts have diverging opinions, with some saying it is has four stories and others that it has only three. However, the uniqueness of Dabotap Pagoda can be seen in the structure of each part. Stone staircases are attached to each side of the cross-shaped platform, with an octagonal pagoda body surrounded by square railings placed upon it. It is presumed that the pagoda was built in 751 during the construction of Bulguksa Temple. This work is a masterpiece that beautifully expresses the complicated structure of wooden construction without any distraction by the use of through novel ideas. The work exhibits the artistic sensibility of Unified Silla through its well-organized structure consisting of squares, octagons, and circles, and in its length, width and thickness, which are standardized in every part. During the Japanese Colonial Period, the Japanese dismantled and repaired the pagoda around 1925, but they left behind no records of this work. In the process, Artifact, reliquaries, and other artifacts that must have been placed inside the pagoda all disappeared. In addition, of the four lions originally placed on the stone stairs of the pagoda, the Japanese took away three, all of which must have been in good condition. Though there have been continuous efforts to retrieve these precious cultural heritages, no trace has been found of them as yet. (Source: Excerpt from the National Cultural Heritage Portal of the Cultural Heritage Administration)
hyun jo park on Google

석가탑과 나란히 있는 신라를 대표하는 석탑으로 조형미가 뛰어난 국보 20호 불국사하면 떠오르는 1,2선발 같은 느낌으로 개인적으로 한국 최고의 석탑 천년도 전에 저렇게 만들었다는것도 믿기지 않을 정도의 섬세함과 하나 밖에 남아 있지 않지만 탑에 앉아있는 사자상도 인상적
next to the stone pagoda A stone pagoda representing Silla National Treasure No. 20 with outstanding aesthetics When I think of Bulguksa, I think of Feeling like 1st and 2nd pick Personally, the best stone pagoda in Korea a thousand years ago That's how it was made Incredible delicacy and but there is only one left The lion sitting on the tower is also impressive.
abrooyal K on Google

대한민국에 이만한 석탑이 어디 있겠는가? 아름다움으로는 그 어느 탑들도 따라갈 수 없는 멋있는 구조물. 요즘 사람들은 잘 찾지 않겠지만 10원짜리 동전에도 계속 새겨져 있다.
Where can I find a stone pagoda like this in Korea? A beautiful structure that no other towers can match in terms of beauty. It's hard to find these days, but it's still engraved on the 10-won coin.
Musaab Al-Badrani on Google

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