MizMedi Hospital

3.9/5 기반으로 8 리뷰

Contact MizMedi Hospital

주소 :

295 Gangseo-ro, Gangseo-gu, Seoul, South Korea

핸드폰 : 📞 +8887
웹사이트: http://www.mizmedi.com/
카테고리 :
도시 : Seoul

295 Gangseo-ro, Gangseo-gu, Seoul, South Korea
MsBalleTap on Google

Very attentive staff, everything is thought out , so your appointment will not last too long. Qualified doctors and nurses. I can insure everyone who needs their help; my problem has been eliminated and a wonderful translator-coordinator Aelita helped in this! Клиника находится не далеко от станции метро, её легко найти. Все продумано до деталей, потому визит к врачу не будет длительным. Здесь настоящие специалисты, которые вылечивают, а не залечивают! Немаловажно, мне попался замечательный координатор-переводчик Аэлита, которая готова ответить на все вопросы в любое врем и помочь всеми силами. Рекомендую!!!
Very attentive staff, everything is thought out, so your appointment will not last too long. Qualified doctors and nurses. I can insure everyone who needs their help; my problem has been been and a wonderful translator-eliminator Aelita helped in this! The clinic is located not far from the metro station and is easy to find. Everything is thought out to the details, so the visit to the doctor will not be long. Here are real specialists who cure, not heal! It is also important that I came across a wonderful coordinator-translator Aelita, who is ready to answer all questions at any time and help with all her might. Recommend!!!
김찡노마 on Google

역대급 의사들 무책임의 끝판왕 병원 거기다가 옛날 줄기세포 관련 국민 대사기 병원인 이유가 여기 있었네 선별진료실을 유료로 진행하는 병원 안내하고, 우울증약 특히 산모한테 먹지 말하야 할 일등급으로 분류되어있는데 우울증약은 임신 관련해서 해당 정신건강의학과 가서 물어보라고 하는 기초도 상식도 없는 병원 내 인생 최악의 병원 이러고 의사 면허 주는 나라 기준도 다시 봐야함 나중에는 의사가 아니라 ai가 수술하고 진단할텐데 이런 의사들 금방 나락 확실
The ultimate doctor of irresponsible doctors. In addition to that, there is a reason why it was a national metabolic hospital related to stem cells in the past A hospital with no basics or common sense that asks you to go to the psychiatrist and ask about medicine about pregnancy. This is the worst hospital in my life, and I have to look again at the country standards that give doctors licenses. certainty
Jimin Yoon on Google

두번 방문 후 병원 옮깁니다. 전체적으로 병원 시스템이 정비가 안되어 있고 의료진이 전문적이라는 느낌을 받지 못했어요. 뭔가 보이는 것, 외관의 그럴싸함에 집중하는 느낌? 일단 병원 주차장(4주차장)에 엘리베이터가 없습니다. 휠체어나 유모차 어찌 이동하라고 병원이 이런지 놀라웠는데 주차장 내에 인도도 잘 안 되어 있어요. 무슨 이유에서인지 출구에 차가 막혀 있는 경우가 많아요. 첫날 가니까 간호가 분이 이러시더라고요. "저희 병원에 미국에서 오신 분들이 많은 거 아시죠? 그분들 다 아기수첩 들고 오시는데 왜 없으세요?" 이 말을 저랑 와이프한테 두번씩 했는데 "미국 내 탑10위내였던 내가 다니던 대학병원은 다 스마트폰 어플이랑 인터넷에 되어 있어서 이런 종이쪼가리 안들고 다닙니다."하고 싶은거 저도 속물 소리 들을까봐 참았습니다. 미국에서 받아온 의료 서류 다 넘겨줬는데 간호사들 둘셋이 한참 쳐다봐도 뭔 소린지 이해를 못하더라고요. 모르면 아는 사람 불러서 해결을 해야 되는데 그거 붙잡고 앉아서 마치 아기수첩 없는 제가 이상한듯 말하는 게 너무 겉멋 들었다는 느낌을 받았습니다. 두번 진료받으면서 또 놀랐던 점은 의료서비스의 질 자체에요. 아기 몸무게 재는데 옷도 안 벗기고 대충 올려서 잰 다음 마이너스 100그램 하더라고요. 키는 아예 재줄 생각 안하고 구강검사, 귀검사 하나도 안하더라고요. 한국 병원이 다 이런지 모르겠는데 미국에 비해서 해주는게 없어서 놀랐어요. 갈때마다 의사는 정말 한 2분 보나? 산모 기분은 어떻냐, 애기 수유량은 어떻냐, 배변활동은 어떻냐 묻는거 기본 아닌가요? 의료보험이라는게 역시 싼게 비지떡인가 생각도 들고. 동네 병원 가나 미즈메디 가나 뭐가 실질적으로 다를지 모르겠습니다. 워낙 해주는 의료 서비스가 없어서. 실상은 백신 맞는 보건소나 다름 없어요. 접수받는 분들이 일을 제일 잘하세요.
After two visits, I was transferred to the hospital. Overall, the hospital system was not well maintained and the medical staff did not feel professional. Feeling of concentrating on something visible, the plausibility of the exterior? First of all, there is no elevator in the hospital parking lot (parking 4). I was surprised at how the hospital told me to move around in a wheelchair or a stroller, but there is no sidewalk in the parking lot. For some reason, cars are often blocked at the exit. The first day I went, the nurse said something like this. "Did you know that there are many people from the US who come to our hospital? They all come with baby notebooks, so why not?" I said this to me and my wife twice, but "The university hospitals I attended, which were among the top 10 in the United States, all had smartphone applications and the Internet, so I didn't carry such a piece of paper." I handed over all the medical documents I received from the United States, but even when two or three nurses looked at me for a long time, I couldn't understand what they were talking about. If you don't know, you have to call someone you know to solve it, but I got the feeling that it was too pretentious to sit down and talk like I don't have a baby notebook. Another thing that surprised me while receiving treatment was the quality of the medical service itself. When I weighed the baby, I didn't even take off my clothes, and after I measured it, it was minus 100 grams. I didn't even think about measuring my height, and they didn't do any oral or ear tests. I don't know if all Korean hospitals are like this, but compared to the US, I was surprised that they didn't do it. Do you really see the doctor for a minute or two every time you go? Isn't it basic to ask how the mother feels, how is the baby's breastfeeding, and how is the bowel movement? I wonder if medical insurance is too expensive to be cheap. I don't know whether it will be practically different between going to a local hospital or going to MizMedi. There are not enough medical services available. In reality, it's no different than a public health center where you get a vaccine. Recipients do the best job.
Vitaly Cho on Google

Добрый день. Копию данный отзыв, оставленный мной на другом сайте, так как в нем содержится все то, что я уже хотел сказать о клинике и ее сотрудниках. Хотел бы оставить хороший отзыв и поблагодарить врача И Юджин, переводчика Аэлиту за помощь и поддержку и всех остальных сотрудников, кто помогал нам. Приехали к ним расстроенные и испуганные, уехали с надеждой. Теперь растим сына. И до сих пор общаемся с нашими друзьями в клинике. В целом ничего плохого написать не могу, нас хорошо встретили, все подробно рассказали во всех красках и объяснили все риски. Ничего не скрывали и не накручивали цену. Именно это заставило им доверять с самого начала. Доктор И Юджин профессионал высшего уровня, она сама делала операцию и после операции подбадривала меня и жену. Клиника оборудована современным оборудованием, удобно добраться и в целом все приятно внутри. Переводчик Аэлита стала нам как родная, очень за нас переживала и даже после того как мы уехали, она подсказывала и проверяла как у нас дела. В итоге у нас растёт сын и мы счастливы!
Good day. A copy of this review, left by me on another site, as it contains everything that I already wanted to say about the clinic and its employees. I would like to leave a good review and thank the doctor I Eugene, translator Aelita for their help and support, and all the other staff who helped us. Upset and frightened came to them, left with hope. Now we are raising a son. And we still communicate with our friends at the clinic. In general, I can't write anything bad, we were well received, they told everything in detail in all colors and explained all the risks. They did not hide anything and did not increase the price. This is what made them trust from the very beginning. Dr. Yi Eugene is a top-notch professional, she performed the operation herself and cheered my wife and me after the operation. The clinic is equipped with modern equipment, it is convenient to get there and in general everything is pleasant inside. Translator Aelita became like a dear to us, was very worried about us, and even after we left, she suggested and checked how we were doing. As a result, our son is growing up and we are happy!
Happy Wheel on Google

산부인과 박용수 의사님. 환자에게 좀더 친절하시는게 어떨까요? 그렇게 나오는대로 말하고 기분 내키는대로 환자에게 하는건 좀 아니지 않나요? 그러다 벌받아요.
Obstetrics and Gynecology Doctor Park Yong-soo. How about being kinder to your patients? Isn't it a bit odd to say whatever comes out and do what you feel like to the patient? Then you get punished.
hyuk Kang on Google

인생 최악의 병원이었습니다. 수년 전 요로결석으로 심한 통증이 와서 첫방문, 다음날 파쇄술을 받기로 하고 귀가했죠. 그리고 다음날 낮 다시 갔습니다. 격통도 있고, 병원 와서는 수술전 마취주사까지 맞은 상태라 어질어질한 상태에 가까웠는데 갑자기 기계가 고장나서 수술을 할 수 없으니 다른 병원에 가보라는 겁니다. 그렇게 전날 선납한 치료비 환불을 받고 쫓겨나다시피 했습니다. 뭐 구급차로 이송같은것도 안해주더군요. 몽롱한 상태에서 혼자 병원을 나와 택시를 잡고 다른 비뇨기과로 갔습니다. 몸상태가 극히 안좋았기 때문에 택시에서 도중에 약간 구토를 했고, 택시 기사분께 사죄와 세차비 쓰시라고 몇만원을 따로 드렸습니다. 그렇게 도착한 다른 병원에서 바로 진찰을 받고 파쇄술을 했습니다. 그 후로 무슨 일이 있어도 미즈메디만큼은 절대 피하고 있습니다. 이정도여서 망정이지, 좀 더 중요한 상황일때 또 트러블 일어날까 무섭거든요.
It was the worst hospital of my life. A few years ago, I had severe pain due to a urolithiasis, so I decided to have a crushing operation the next day on my first visit and go home. And I went back the next day. There is pain, and when I came to the hospital, I was given an anesthetic injection before surgery, so it was close to a dizzy state. So, I got a refund for the treatment fee I paid in advance the day before and almost got kicked out. They didn't even take me to an ambulance. I left the hospital alone in a hazy state, took a taxi and went to another urology department. I was in very bad shape, so I vomited a little on the way in the taxi, and I gave the taxi driver a few tens of thousands of won to apologize and pay for the car wash. I arrived at another hospital where I immediately received an examination and surgery was performed. After that, no matter what happens, I absolutely avoid MizMedi. It's a shame because it's like this, but I'm afraid that trouble will happen again in a more important situation.
Taehoon Lee on Google

저는 개인적으로 너무 만족스러운 곳이었습니다. 다른 부분은 모르겠으나 첫아이 출산으로 궁금한 사항도 많았는데, 항상 근거에 의거하여 설명을 잘 해주십니다. # 장점 (개인적으로 느낀 점) 1) 집도의 선생님의 실력과 공감력이 우수함 - 실력은 당연하고(아주 성공적으로 수술도 잘 끝나고 회복도 빨랐습니다.) 적절한 시기에 빠른 판단을 해주셔서 의사결정하는데 많은 도움이 되었습니다. - 출산 후 아기를 보는데 설명해 주시는 간호사분이 침착하게 설명을 아주 잘해주심 감덩 2) 깨끗한 입원실 - 6층 간호사실에 있는 특실을 사용하였는데, 간호사선생님들이 매번 오셔서 정말 정성스럽게 간호해주셨어요 - 환자의 상태를 엄청 세부적으로 관리하시는거 같았습니다. 진통제 맞을 수 있는 시간대를 서로다른 간호사선생님들인데도 불구하고 모두가 정확히 알고 계셨습니다. (업무 인수인계가 아주 잘 되고 있는 듯함.) - 침구류도 너무 깨끗해요, 이런거에 엄청 예민한데 이틀째부터 적응되어 제 방에 있는 듯한 기분이 들었음, 침구류 자주 새걸로 교체해줌 3) 코로나19 PCR 검사 - 분만일정 72시간 전에 pcr 검사를 받아야 하는데, 매일 14:00 ~ 15:00 에 병원에서 산모들과 보호자 대상으로 검사를 실시함 - 최근 보건소나 민간병원에 pcr 검사 대상은 자가진단 키트 양성인 사람들이 많이 오는데 임산부의 경우 감염 위험으로 불안할 수 있는데 병원에서 안전하게 검사를 받을 수 있어서 좋음 - 처음에 보호자 PCR 검사에 필요한 소견서 1장만 주셔서 클레임을 넣었었는데 빠르게 피드백 주시고, 최대한 불편함 없이 일처리가 빨랐다. 4) 미용실에서 볼 수 있는 머리감겨주는 의자가 있어서 보호자가 산모 머리를 감겨 줄 수 있어서 편하고 좋음 (드라이기는 슈퍼소닉, 머리 말리는 시간을 줄일 수 있음) # 단점 1) 산모 식사는 가격에 비해서 부실함 (가격대비라는 말이지 아주 나쁘다는 의미는 아님) - 소고기무우국은 개선이 필요해 보임. - 가격을 내리던지 퀄리티를 올리던지 둘중 하나 필요함 결론은, 출산전 걱정이 많고 무서웠지만 의사선생님, 간호사 선생님들 덕분에 안심할 수 있게 되고, 입원 후 간호사 선생님들의 정성적인 간호와 편안한 환경으로 인해 빠른 회복을 할 수 있었습니다. 감사합니다.
Personally, I was very satisfied with this place. I don't know about other parts, but I had a lot of questions about the birth of my first child, and he always explains things well based on the evidence. # Advantages (Personally felt) 1) The instructor's skills and empathy are excellent - Your skills are natural (the surgery was very successful and the recovery was quick) and you made a quick judgment at the right time. It helped me a lot in decision making. - I see the baby after childbirth, and the nurse who explains it calmly explains it very well. 2) Clean hospital room - I used the special room in the nurse's room on the 6th floor, and the nurses came every time and took care of me very carefully - You seemed to be managing the patient's condition in great detail. Even though different nurses have different times when they can get painkillers However, everyone knew exactly. (The business takeover seems to be going very well.) - The bedding is also very clean. I am very sensitive to such things, but from the second day I got used to it and felt like I was in my room. The bedding is often replaced with new ones. 3) Corona 19 PCR test - You must have a pcr test 72 hours before the delivery schedule - Recently, many people who are positive for self-diagnosis kits for pcr test come to public health centers or private hospitals, but pregnant women may be anxious due to the risk of infection. It is good to have a safe examination at the hospital - At first, only one letter of opinion required for the parental PCR test was given, so I submitted a claim. 4) There is a chair that can be found in hairdressing salons, so it is comfortable and good that the guardian can wash the mother's hair (the dryer is Super Sonic, it can reduce the drying time) # Disadvantages 1) Maternal meal is poor compared to the price - Beef radish soup needs improvement. - Either lower the price or raise the quality. In conclusion, I was worried and scared before childbirth, but thanks to the doctors and nurses, I was able to feel at ease, and after being hospitalized, I was able to recover quickly thanks to the qualitative care and comfortable environment of the nurses. thank you.
Kennilyn Año (kheny) on Google

The doctors and nurses are very kind ,the staff are very polite the hospital is clean?? i really love the service? excellent!! 대박

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