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Contact Hodengba

주소 :

South Korea, 사당동 1032-12번지 1층 동작구 서울특별시 KR Hodengba

핸드폰 : 📞 +897
카테고리 :

South Korea, 사당동 1032-12번지 1층 동작구 서울특별시 KR Hodengba
호뎅바호뎅바 on Google

Jung Ho Cho on Google

오뎅바 느낌있고 좋앗습니다!! ㅎㅎ
Odenba feels good! hehe
문성국 on Google

결제 할때 계산서 꼭 꼼꼼히 확인하셔야해요! 2018.11.24.저녁9시45분 경. 친구 5명과함께 칭따오세트(칭따오2병.호뎅4개.16000원)와 소주1병(4천원)을 시켜서 먹었습니다. 그저그런 오뎅을 먹고 카드로 계산후 나오면서 영수증을 보니 호뎅4개가 추가(1500×4=6000)되어 26000으로 찍혀있더라구요. 그래서 안경낀 사장인지 알바생한테 호뎅 6000원 시킨적 없다고 따졌더니, 중간에 갑자기 저희테이블로 와서 구운계란 4개 줬던게 호뎅이었다네요. 분명 우린 시키지도 않았는데 중간에와서 직접 주니깐 서비스인줄 알고 "이게뭐에요? 우와 잘먹겠습니다" 이랬거든요... 근데 알고보니 저게 계란하나에 1500원짜리이고 서비스 아니라는거에요(아래사진참고). 서비스아니면 파는거라고 얘기를하던가 시키지도않았는데 테이블로 중간에 찾아와서 직접 쥐어다준건 뭐하는행동인지ㅡ.ㅡ. 그러면서 당연히 그게 가격에 포함되어있다고 떵떵거리며 말하고... 호뎅 맛은 포장마차에서 파는 오뎅 맛이랑 같습니다. 가계가 맛은 없을 수 있다고 생각하지만, 손님이 계산서 체크 안할 줄 알고 지멋대로 안시킨 메뉴 넣어 사지치는 가계는 망해야 한다고 생각합니다. 절대절대절대 가지마세요!!!
Make sure to check the bill carefully when paying! November 24, 2018, around 9:45 pm. I ordered a set of qingtao (2 bottles of qingtao, 4 hordens, 16,000 won) and a bottle of soju (4,000 won) with 5 friends and ate it. When I ate such an oden and paid for it with a card, I looked at the receipt and saw that 4 additional Hordens (1500×4=6000) were stamped as 26000. So, he said that he was the boss with glasses, and that he hadn't ordered albasaeng to have Horden 6000 won, and it was Hoden who suddenly came to our table and gave him 4 roasted eggs in the middle. Obviously we didn't even order it, but since we came in the middle and gave it to us, we thought it was a service and said, "What is this? Wow, I'll eat well"... But it turns out that it's 1,500 won per egg and it's not a service (refer to the photo below). I didn't tell or order that it was a service or a sale, but what was the behavior that came to the table in the middle and handed it to me ㅡ.ㅡ. Then, of course, it was included in the price. The taste of horden is the same as the taste of oden sold at a stand. I think the household may not taste good, but I think that a household that is tired of putting a menu that customers don't want to check the bills and doesn't buy should be ruined. Never, never, never go!!!

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