브랜뉴디자인아카데미 신촌점

4.7/5 기반으로 8 리뷰

Contact 브랜뉴디자인아카데미 신촌점

주소 :

136 아이비타워 브랜뉴디자인아카데미 신촌점 6층, Seogang-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul,South Korea

핸드폰 : 📞 +8788
웹사이트: http://sinchon.brandnew-design.com/
카테고리 :
도시 : Seoul

136 아이비타워 브랜뉴디자인아카데미 신촌점 6층, Seogang-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul,South Korea
정씨집안 on Google

멘토쌤의 훌륭한 플랜 아래 훌륭한 선생님 만나서 실내디자인을 비전공자로 입문하여 많은 가르침 받았습니다. 학원시설도 깨끗하고 상담도 매우 친절합니다 무엇보다 선생님들께서 학생 하나하나 굉장히 신경을 잘써주신다는 생각이 들었습니다 실내디자인 뿐 아니라 각종 디자인툴 배우고싶으신분들은 브랜뉴아키데미 선택하셔도 후회없으실것 같습니다!
Meet a great teacher under the mentor teacher's excellent plan I was introduced to interior design as a non-major and received many lessons. The school facilities are clean and the consultation is very friendly. Above all, I thought that the teachers are very attentive to each and every student. Those who want to learn not only interior design but also various design tools, will not regret choosing the Brand New Academy!
곰돌이. on Google

취업에 대한 고민이 많이 있었고 어떤 걸 어떻게 준비해야하는지 모르는 상황이었는데 상담을 통해 제 진로적인 부분에 대한 설정을 하게 되었어요! 수업을 시작하기까지 아직 한달이 남아있기는 하지만 하고싶었던 일이었기 때문에 더 열심히 하겠습니다!
I had a lot of worries about finding a job and I didn't know what to prepare for, but through counseling, I decided on my career path! There is still a month left until the class starts, but it was something I wanted to do, so I will work harder!
전현정 on Google

솔직한 개인리뷰작성입니당 서비스직종만 20년째 하던 ,디자인쪽에선 비전공자인 저에게 멘토쌤이 새로운 동기부여를 만들어주셨어요!!! 진짜 이렇게 가슴떨린적은 고등학생때 놀이공원이후로 느껴본적 없어요 ㅋㅋㅋ 그정도로 커리큘럼이나 관리부분에서 이해하기 쉽게 설명해주셨고 제자신감 지켜주셔서 감사합니다 * * 쌤♥
I am writing an honest personal review. My mentor teacher gave me a new motivation as I was not a professional in design, who had only been in the service industry for 20 years!!! I've never really felt like this since I was in an amusement park when I was in high school. Thank you for explaining the curriculum and management in such a way that it was easy to understand and protecting my students' confidence * * Sam ♥
안민규 on Google

첫시작할때가 설레면서 겁나는 시기인데 저뿐만 아니라 각각의 수강생들의 스타일에 맞춰서 상담해주시고 수강후에도 꼼꼼히 개별로 챙겨주셔서 수업받는거에만 집중할수있었음. 또한 학원내 시설도 깔끔하고 강사님들도 엄청 열정적이고 모두를 챙겨주려고함.
It was a time when I was excited and scared when I first started, but I was able to focus on taking the class because I consulted according to the style of each student as well as myself, and took care of each individual carefully after taking the course. Also, the facilities in the academy are clean and the instructors are very passionate and try to take care of everyone.
스펀스펀 on Google

취미로 다니고 싶어서 아무것도 모르는 무지 상태로 방문했는데 멘토님이 현실적인 이야기를 많이 해주시면서 상담 해주시고 내가 수업을 들으려는 목적과 목표에 맞게 추천해줘서 아주 만족스러웠음 또 수업 등록을 했다고 끝이 아니고 학원을 다니는 내내 잘 관리해주시면서 수업의지 꽉 잡아주셔서 열심히 다닐 수 있었음 난 취미와 실력을 높이려는 목적으로 다녔지만 취업을 목적으로 학원을 다니려는 사람에게는 완전 추천함
I wanted to attend as a hobby, so I visited without knowing anything, and my mentor gave me a lot of realistic stories and gave me counseling, and I was very satisfied with the recommendations that fit the purpose and goal of my classes. Also, registering for a class does not mean the end. He took good care of me the whole time I was attending the academy. I went there for the purpose of improving my hobbies and skills, but I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to go to a private academy for the purpose of getting a job.
Pinch_KERO on Google

다른 학원 견적 3군데 정도 다니다가 마지막에 갔던 학원이었는데 다른곳은 내 이야기는 듣지도 않고 과목당 가격만 나열했던 것에 비해서 내 이야기도 잘 들어주고 목표에 맞게 수업 추천해줘서 제 수업예산에 맞게 잘 계획 잡혀진것 같아요 취업 목표로 한다면 추천 드립니다.
It was the last academy I went to after going to about three other academies, but other places didn’t listen to me and only listed the price per subject, but they listened to me well and recommended classes according to my goals, so it was well planned according to my class budget. I would recommend it if you are looking for a job.
플레인레몬 on Google

Sns통해서 처음 알게 된 곳이예요. 상담도 정말 친절하고 커리큘럼도 너무 좋고요! 정말 배울 것이 많았어요. 응원도 늘 해주시고요~ 그때부터 꾸준히 학업과 강의를 병행하면서 듣고 있어요. 최근에는 사촌동생한테도 소개해서 같이 다니고 있어요. 주변에 친구들이 컴퓨터학원 물으면, 항상 여기 소개했어요. 본인이 선택하는 거지만요~☆ (포토샵기초, 고급/ 일러스트기초,고급/ 인디자인 배웠고 지금은 포폴반~ 전 디자인 비전공자예요. 일상에 많이 도움이 되고 있어요 ㅎㅎ) 다른 친구들 보니까 본인의 결과물이 또 좋게 나오니까 취업도 잘되더라구요~ 여러모로 다 좋아요. 실력 좋으신 선생님 많으시고, 멘토님들도 친절친절, 본인의 자존감도 높히고, 부족함을 든든하게 채울 수 있어서 좋아요. 진짜루!! 강추강추 짱 강추예요.??
This is the first place I met through SNS. Counseling is really friendly and the curriculum is very good! I really had a lot to learn. Always support me too Since then, I have been continuously listening to my studies and lectures at the same time. Recently, I introduced it to my cousin and we are going together. When my friends around me asked about computer academy, I always introduced here. It's your choice~☆ (I learned Photoshop basics, advanced/illustration basics, advanced/indesign, and now I'm in the Popol class~ I'm not a design major. It's helping me a lot in my daily life haha) Looking at my other friends, my results came out well, so I got a job well~ I like it in many ways. There are a lot of good teachers, and the mentors are kind and kind, and it's good that you can improve your self-esteem and fill in your shortcomings. Really!! I highly recommend it. I highly recommend it.??
지니 on Google

컴퓨터 분야는 처음이라서 엄청 알아보고 온 곳이였는데 정말 후회 없는 선택을 했다고 생각해준 학원이였습니다. 학원도 엄청 깔끔하고 깨끗하고 멘토님은 상담해주실때 정말 들어야 할 강의만 딱 골라서 잘 알려주시고 또 엄청 친절하셨어요. 강사님들도 하나도 놓치는 부분이 없이 가르쳐주시려고 하셔서 처음인 저에게도 엄청 이해가 쉽고 잘 따라갈 수 있었습니다. 이 학원 다니길 정말 잘한것 같아요! 너무 만족합니다!
It was my first time in the computer field, so I did a lot of research. The academy is also very neat and clean, and the mentor was very kind and selected only the lectures that he really needed to attend when he gave advice. The instructors also tried to teach without missing a single part, so it was very easy to understand and follow well, even for me, a beginner. I think I did really well in going to this academy! So satisfied!

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